
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Say what you mean/ Mean what you say.

Have you ever spent a heap of time writing a post, then putting it up and rereading it and thinking:
"Why did I post that? No one cares about that!" 

Do our newsfeeds really need every scrap of thought broadcast to our friends and family? Is that really why they're tuned in?

Almost like when we post pictures of inane meals:
"Buttered toast again this morning, because YOLO."

Or tiny things that happened to us that happens to everyone:
"Stubbed my toe. FML... It's okay now, it stopped hurting by the time I finished writing that."

Or those posts that are just waaaay too dramatic (sometimes shared/posted on public pages):
"Don't EVER go to BillyBob Diggory Chaswick's House of International Earwax Sculptures. I went to the cafe in the giftshop and they brought me my raisin toast cut into SQUARES not TRIANGLES! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!? What kind of establishment would allow this?! I am never going back. Tell your friends!"

Then there's 'vaguebooking', the art of omitting so much from the post that few or none actually understand it:
"Why should I even bother with this any more? Every time I put in the effort, it runs away. On Monday, I was so happy after everything, but now it just feels like that time I wore that outfit. I know you know the one I mean...."

Or the ones that are just painful to physically read (this is going to hurt me more than it does you):
"so I lyk this guy n everythink, bt he dosent evn kno im their. my x thinks im discusting wen I tlk 2 him on fb cuz he lyk sez I shld of payed betta attenshun in english but lyk y shld i?? im nvr goin 2 england! omg wat a lOsEr!!"

This predates Facebook.

How many personal websites are there in cyberspace? Maybe long forgotten Angelfire pages or the like, full of useless info about the creator and what stuff they like or hate, with little or no design, random animations, and perhaps a song that automatically plays in the browser when you open the page (if you're lucky you may even have the ability to stop/mute it).
Countless public blogs no more than an online journal of actions. A record. A log.

What is it in us that must be heard, that must announce - even if it's just the mundane?

The internet. Making people feel like they have their own personal radio station for almost 2 decades!

It's something to ponder. But while you're at it, ponder this.
While you're speaking out and sharing with the world wide Web the news of your breakfast, or the selfie you just took in the restaurant bathroom, or that you just vomited and by golly doesn't it look exactly like the state of Texas?!... spare a thought for those without a voice.

Countless people don't have these freedoms that we piss away on trivial things. Some people can't say the gender of the person they love, others can't say what they think about their nation's government, others just simply don't have the funds and/or infrastructure in their region to have anything like this medium we take so for granted or the expensive devices we access it on. Some people have all of this but they just can't clear their minds of the mental clutter that stops them doing what their peers do so easily.

Take 5minutes. Feel the clothes on your back, and take in the million tiny blessings around you in the form of your freedoms, your possessions, your opportunities... You are blessed, whether you recognise it or not.

Today, I dare you to do something *you* really want to do. Eat cereal for dinner, wear odd socks, book that holiday, find another job, ask that certain person on a date, have dessert, get a dog. Anything!

Big or small, it doesn't matter. Just do something you can do, for you.

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